
Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Soal Literasi Bahasa InggrisPendaftaran masuk perguruan tinggi negeri segera dibuka! Ini merupakan kabar gembira yang dinantikan oleh para calon mahasiswa. Mereka memiliki mimpi untuk bisa belajar di sebuah universitas favorit. Terutama universitas negeri yang ada di Indonesia, seperti UNS, UNY dan lain sebagainya.

Untuk bisa diterima di universitas tersebut, tentu tidaklah mudah. Ada beberapa faktor yang menjadi penyebab peluang diterimanya seorang calon mahasiswa di sebuah perguruan tinggi. Misalnya, faktor kuota mahasiswa yang diterima pada setiap program studi, banyaknya calon mahasiswa yang bersaing, serta kemampuan intelektual dari mahasiswa itu sendiri.

Kampus-kampus tentunya menginginkan mahasiswa yang belajar di tempatnya, memiliki tingkat kecerdasan yang tinggi. Sehingga, akan berdampak pada akreditasi kampus tersebut. Nama kampus pun akan semakin baik jika lulusan yang dihasilkan memiliki kecerdasan yang baik serta dapat bekerja dan sukses di masa depan.

Oleh sebab itu, untuk masuk ke universitasnya, akan diseleksi dengan ketat terlebih dahulu. Para calon mahasiswa bisa mengikuti tes UTBK SNBT yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak kampus. Untuk mempermudah Anda dalam mencari materi apa saja yang nantinya akan diujikan, kami telah membuatkan ringkasan untuk Anda.

Bila Anda melihat situs resmi dari SNPMB, ada 7 materi subtes yang akan digunakan dalam ujian masuk perguruan tinggi. Subtes tersebut memiliki tingkat kesulitannya masing-masing. Apa saja subtes UTBK SNBT? Simak dibawah ini!

  1. Penalaran Umum
  2. Pengetahuan dan Pemahaman Umum
  3. Pemahaman Bacaan dan Menulis
  4. Pengetahuan Kuantitatif
  5. Literasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia
  6. Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
  7. Penalaran Matematika

Apa Itu Literasi Bahasa Inggris?

Tes literasi bahasa Inggris merupakan sebuah tes yang memiliki pembahasan cukup kompleks. Merujuk pada Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, kata “literasi” memiliki arti:

  1. Kemampuan menulis dan membaca
  2. Pengetahuan atau keterampilan dalam bidang atau aktivitas tertentu, misalnya literasi komputer
  3. Kemampuan individu dalam mengolah informasi dan pengetahuan untuk kecakapan hidup

Berdasarkan isi informasi dan kandungan pengetahuan di dalamnya, teks atau bacaan yang digunakan dapat dipilah ke dalam 4 (kategori), yakni:

  1. Teks umum
  2. Teks sastra
  3. Teks saintek
  4. Teks sosial humaniora

Teks umum berupa bacaan bergenre inspiratif dan informasi umum, teks sastra berupa teks bergenre novel, sedangkan teks saintek dan teks sosial humaniora berupa teks bergenre eksplanatif, ulasan dan argumentatif.

Bagaimana Strategi Menghadapi Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris?

Selanjutnya, setelah tahap Anda mengetahui penjelasan tentang subtes materi literasi bahasa Inggris, kami akan berbagi tips yang bisa di terapkan dalam metode belajar Anda sebagai persiapan mengikuti tes UTBK SNBT di universitas favorit.

Adapun strategi yang bisa langsung Anda coba adalah sebagai berikut!

  1. Memahami Konsep Dasar: Masuk tahap awal belajar, Anda bisa memulai dengan cara memahami konsep-konsep dasar yang ada di dalam subtes soal literasi bahasa Inggris. Materi yang perlu Anda pahami antara lain ide pokok, menyimpulkan bacaan, menentukan tujuan teks, makna kalimat yang memiliki kesamaan, sinonim dan lain-lain.
  2. Berlatih Soal Latihan dengan Intensif: Jika Anda sering berlatih soal, maka seiring waktu berjalan, Anda bisa lebih mengenali berbagai pola-pola soal yang paling sering muncul dalam ujian. Ini bisa menjadi tabungan referensi atau bank soal yang tersimpan di otak kita.
  3. Menganalisis setiap Soal: Setelah Anda menjawab soal, langkah berikutnya yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan cara menganalisis soal beserta jawabannya. Ini berguna untuk mencari tahu apakah soal dengan “tipe tertentu” bisa dikerjakan dengan cara yang lebih praktis.
  4. Belajar Tidak Hanya dari Satu Sumber: Sebuah tips yang tidak kalah penting, Anda bisa belajar dari berbagai sumber lain. Bisa melalui buku-buku, video pembelajaran di situs, dan berbagai aplikasi lainya.

Teknik dalam Penyelesaian Soal

Untuk menyelesaikan soal literasi bahasa Inggris dengan baik, Anda perlu memahami beberapa teknik yang dapat membantu Anda menguasai materi dan strategi pengerjaan soal. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang dapat Anda ikuti:

  1. Pahami Konteks dan Tujuan Soal
    • Bacalah soal dengan cermat dan perhatikan konteksnya. Apakah itu soal membaca, menulis, mendengarkan, atau berbicara?
    • Tentukan tujuan dari soal tersebut, misalnya apakah untuk memahami isi bacaan, mencari informasi spesifik, atau menyimpulkan makna dari suatu teks.
  2. Baca Bahan dengan Teliti
    • Jika soal terkait dengan bacaan, baca teks dengan seksama. Perhatikan detail-detail penting seperti karakter, plot, tema, dan pesan yang disampaikan.
    • Jika tersedia, gunakan metode scanning (mencari informasi spesifik) dan skimming (membaca cepat untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum) untuk membantu pemahaman.
  3. Identifikasi Pertanyaan
    • Pahami jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang mungkin muncul, seperti pertanyaan tentang detail spesifik, sinonim, makna kata, atau pemahaman umum tentang teks.
    • Perhatikan kata kunci dalam pertanyaan yang dapat membantu Anda menemukan jawaban dengan lebih efektif.
  4. Gunakan Konteks
    • Jika pertanyaan meminta jawaban berdasarkan teks, pastikan untuk kembali ke teks dan mencari jawaban yang sesuai dengan konteks yang diberikan.
    • Hindari menjawab berdasarkan pengetahuan atau asumsi pribadi jika tidak didukung oleh teks.
  5. Perhatikan Detail-detail Penting
    • Fokus pada detail-detail penting dalam teks yang berkaitan dengan pertanyaan. Hal ini termasuk informasi tentang karakter, setting, konflik, dan resolusi dalam cerita.
    • Jika ada istilah atau frasa yang tidak Anda pahami, gunakan konteks sekitarnya atau gunakan pengetahuan umum Anda untuk menganalisis maknanya.
  6. Gunakan Strategi Membaca Efektif
    • Ketika menanggapi pertanyaan yang meminta pemahaman umum teks, cobalah untuk menyusun gagasan utama dari setiap paragraf atau bagian penting dalam teks.
    • Gunakan strategi membaca seperti membuat rangkuman atau diagram untuk membantu Anda memahami struktur dan isi teks dengan lebih baik.
  7. Periksa Kembali Jawaban Anda
    • Setelah menjawab pertanyaan, luangkan waktu untuk memeriksa kembali jawaban Anda.
    • Pastikan jawaban Anda logis, sesuai dengan konteks, dan tidak bertentangan dengan informasi yang disampaikan dalam teks.
  8. Latihan Teratur
    • Praktik secara teratur dengan mengerjakan berbagai jenis soal literasi bahasa Inggris. Hal ini dapat membantu Anda mengembangkan keterampilan membaca, pemahaman, dan analisis yang diperlukan untuk menjawab soal dengan tepat.

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah di atas dan melatih keterampilan Anda secara teratur, Anda akan semakin mahir dalam menyelesaikan soal literasi bahasa Inggris

Praktik Latihan Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Setelah Anda menyimak berbagai strategi dan teknik dalam mengerjakan soal, mari langsung praktik. Kami sudah membuat kuis yang didalamnya berisi kurang lebih 20 soal.

Sebagai tahap awal yang bisa dilakukan dalam persiapan mengikuti tes UTBK SNBT masuk perguruan tinggi adalah mengerjakan kuis di bawah ini. Sekaligus dapat mencoba untuk mengimplementasikan strategi dan trik pengerjaan soal pada informasi sebelumnya. Anggap saja untuk pengenalan model tes UTBK SNBT.

Petunjuk pengerjaan soal:

  1. Simak setiap soal yang ditampilkan di dalam kuis ini dengan teliti!
  2. Selanjutnya, pilih jawaban yang paling tepat menurut pemahaman Anda.
  3. Agar latihan soal lebih seru, Anda bisa mengerjakan semua soal dalam batas waktu tertentu yang telah kami tetapkan. Ini berguna dalam mengatur waktu pengerjaan soal, sehingga Anda menjadi lebih terbiasa.
  4. Pastikan Anda telah memasukkan nama dan email yang valid di akhir sesi untuk mengetahui perolehan skor kuis yang telah dikerjakan.
  5. Setelah itu, skor secara otomatis akan tampil jika Anda menyelesaikan seluruh soal dan mengisi data nama serta email.
  6. Jika skor yang diperoleh terasa belum maksimal, Anda bisa mengulangi kembali mengerjakan kuis ini. Caranya dengan merefresh halaman ini.

Ini adalah kuis dengan batasan waktu. Anda akan diberikan waktu 2400 detik untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan yang tersedia. Apakah Anda siap?


What is your small business search engine optimization (SEO) strategy? If you are like the many small business owners, you may be wondering how you can leverage the power of social media and online marketing to get ahead. In fact, only about 27 percent of small businesses have a current SEO plan. When you combine that, surprisingly low figure with fact that only about 40 percent of marketers are using mobile marketing tactics. It is easy to see how sound search engine optimization practices could help you get a leg up on the competition.

Small business owners are an incredibly diverse group of people who know a lot about their chosen fields. Slightly, less than half of all small businesses have more than one owners. Sixty percent of small business owners have worked in their industry for more than 20 years. That is a lot of total combined experience. These owners are always looking for new ways to connect to their customers and clients and grow their businesses.

About 63 percent of small businesses find that social media is a good way to increase customer loyalty, and 27 percent plan to increase their investment in social media. When it comes to the impact of social media, 40 percent of small businesses find it helpful useful for correcting problems brought up by customers. 18 percent find that it gives them a chance to defend against negative publicity. Finally, only 5 percent feel that social media has hurt their image more than helped. If used correctly, it is clear that social media generally has an overall positive effect on small businesses.

If your small business is one of the 52 percent that plan to increase their SEO budget, it is important to make the most of your investment by implementing a sound small business SEO plan. You can do that with the assistance of an SEO company with lots of experience in managing successful small business SEO.
(Adapted from

What can be the best title for the passage above?

Benar! Salah!

Tips! 1) Untuk menentukan judul, temuan dulu main idea teks untuk tahu teksnya membicarakan apa => lalu simpulkan. 2) Teks bicara tentang strategi SEO untuk usaha kecil, langkah pemasaran menggunakan SEO, manfaatnya dan ditutup dengan saran bagaimana bisa mengimplementasikan SEO plan dengan baik.

From small committees to national elections, group decision-making can be complicated. Unfortunately, it way not always settle on the best choice. That's partly because some members of the group do research on their own, and others take their cues from the people around them.

That distinction is readily observed around election time. "Many voters couldn't tell you the policy platforms for the candidates they're voting for", says applied mathematician Vicky Chuqiao Yang at the Santa Fe Institute. "Many individuals are uninformed, and they're most likely to rely on information they get from others."

Social scientists have long sought ways to study the phenomenon of group decision-making, but that's a tricky undertaking. Researchers in a range of disciplines have tried to tackle the problem, with parallel efforts often leading to conflicting conclusions. Most existing models examine the effect of a single variable, which means they don't capture the whole picture.

"The outcome of collective decision-making is the result of complex interactions of many variables, "says Yang, " And those interactions are rarely taken into account" in previous work. To overcome that challenge, Yang recently developed a mathematical framework that captures the influence of multiple interactions among members of a group. "You can plug in multiple effects and see their behaviour and how they manifest in the group at the same times," she explains.

Those effects include the influence of social learners. The model predicted, for example, that decision-making groups have a critical threshold of people who get their information from others. Below that threshold, the group chooses the high-quality outcome. Above it, the group can end up choosing the better or worse option.

The mathematical model is both simple and general. It can accurately reflect the multitude of moving parts within a system. The model also predicted a significant role for "committed minorities," or people who refuse to change their minds, no matter the evidence. These committed minorities can be bolstered, Yang says, by social learners, though every group is different. Yang says she hopes the model will help bring together parallel work from different disciplines. … "but we don't yet have a holistic understanding that gives a recipe for good collective decision-making," she said. "Our work brings us one step closer to it."
(Adapted from

The author mentions the fact that numerous variables influence the result of group decision-making in paragraph ….

Benar! Salah!

Penulis menyebutkan fakta bahwa banyak variabel memengaruhi hasil dari pembuatan keputusan kelompok di paragraf …. Keywords: variable, group decision making --- sesuai dengan kalimat (1) paragraf ke-4 (The outcome of collective decision-making is the result of complex interactions of many variables - Hasil dari pembuatan keputusan kolektif adalah hasil dari interaksi kompleks dari banyak variabel).

The extreme weather that's hammered California with runaway wildfires and hit Louisiana with its most powerful hurricane in 160 years may be about to get even worse. La Nina -- a phenomenon that occurs when the surface of the Pacific Ocean cools -- has officially formed, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said Thursday. It trigger an atmospheric chain reaction that stands to roil weather around the globe, often turning the western U.S. into a tinder box, fueling more powerful hurricanes in the Atlantic and flooding parts of Australia and South America.

The effects are already evident. Rising temperatures and an extreme mega-drought across the U.S. West are fueling fires from Washington to Arizona. California is having its worst fire season on record, torching an unprecedented 2.5 million acres. The first half of 2020 was already quite hot -- just 0.05 degrees Celsius lower than the record set in 2016, according to the National Centers for Environmental Information in Asheville, North Carolina. The odds are high that 2020 will end up in the top five warmest years ever. Across the 11 Western states, nearly 87% of the landscape was abnormally dry, a slight uptick from a week ago, the U.S. Drought Monitor said Thursday. More than half of California is in drought.

La Nina doesn't just mean more heat. It also raises the chances for a colder winter across the northern U.S. and increases the prospects of floods in northern Australia and more rain in Indonesia and Brazil's three southernmost states. And in the Atlantic, a record number of tropical storms have formed by September, including Hurricane Laura, which killed more than a dozen people across the Caribbean and the U.S. last month. California's rainy season typically starts by early winter and can counter the fire spreading Santa Ana winds that are starting now. But if Lina Nina gets in the way, it could have dire consequences for the state where fires have already charred more than 2.5 million acres, the most on record, and 80% of the land is abnormally dry.

In the Atlantic, having La Nina developing in the last three months of hurricane season could mean more storms of greater power. This year's 17 named storms make for the quickest that tally has been reached in data going back to 1851, well above the annual average of 12. La Nina can lead to more powerful hurricanes in the Atlantic because it chokes off turbulent winds that blow at varying speeds, directions and altitudes. Those gusts, known as wind shear, can lop to the top of a growing tropical storm or hurricane -- weakening it or destroying it altogether. The Climate Prediction Center forecast in August that there would be 19 to 25 Atlantic storms this year, based in part on the potential for La Nina to appear.

Based on the passage, the followings are the incidents that occur as a result of la Nina, except ….

Benar! Salah!

Based on the passage, the followings are the incidents that occur as a result of la Nina, except …. Artinya adalah Berdasarkan teks, berikut adalah kejadian yang terjadi sebagai akibat La Nina, kecuali …. • Cocokkan setiap opsi jawaban dengan informasi dalam teks. • Cari kata kunci dari tiap opsi supaya bisa lebih cepat menemukannya dalam teks A) Louisiana dilanda tornado yang sangat parah → sesuai dengan paragraf 1 kalimat ke-1 B) Peluang terjadinya musim dingin yang lebih dingin di Amerika Utara meningkat → sesuai dengan paragraf 3 kalimat ke-2 C) Kekeringan yang berkepanjangan di Indonesia yang mengakibatkan kebakaran hutan → tidak sesuai D) Badai yang dahsyat lebih mungkin terjadi di Atlantik → sesuai dengan paragraf 4, kalimat ke-1 Jumlah badai di Atlantik tahun ini yang telah melampaui jumlah badai tahunan → sesuai dengan paragraf 4 kalimat ke-2

What is the best way for you, as an employer, to deliver bad news to an employee? First of all, you have to break the news yourself, face to face with the recipient. You can't write memos to tell people they will not get raises this year or that they have made error or are not performing as well as expected. You have to show them how you feel about the matter and that you are personally sorry and sympathize with them. If you indicate that you are ready to listen to their reactions to your bad news, you will undoubtedly save yourself from their wrath. Above all, you must be ready for an emotional reaction from the recipient of bad news. Give people time to digest your news and to control the emotion they invariably feel. Although it is never easy to break bad news, if you follow these steps, you will at least soften the blow.
The author's main idea is that ….

Benar! Salah!

Tips! • Main idea sering ditemukan di awal paragraf tapi tidak selalu. Cermati bagian awal dan akhir paragraf ini. Kalimat pertama artinya: Apa cara terbaik bagi Anda, sebagai bos unuk menyampaikan kabar buruk pada pekerja? Kalimat kedua, menjelaskan cara pertama bagaimana menyiapkan kabar. Kalimat terakhir: Meskipun tidak pernah mudah menyampaikan kabar buruk, jika Anda mengikuti langkah-langkah ini, setidaknya Anda melembutkan pukulan. • Kita dapat simpulkan bahwa paragraf di atas berisi tentang cara melembutkan dampak dari kabar buruk. Pilih opsi jawaban yang merangkum itu.

Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came videos and computers. Today's children are growing up in a rapidly changing digital age that is far different from their parents. A variety of technologies are all around our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely, technology and media can support learning and relationships. Enjoyable and engaging shared experiences that optimize the potential for children's learning and development can support children's relationships both with adults and their peers.

Based on some evidence by research, there has never been more important time to apply principles of development and learning when considering the use of cutting-edge technologies of new media as the so-called interactive media. Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials, including software programs, applications (apps), some children's television programming, e-books, the internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other children and adults.

When the integration of technology and interactive media in early childhood programs is built upon solid developmental foundation, and early childhood professionals are aware of both the challenges and the opportunities, educators are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child.

This statement provides guidance for early childhood educators about the use of technology educators about the use of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young children's development. In this statement, the definition of technology tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices such as computers, tablets, multitouch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras, audio recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book readers, and analog devices still being used such as tape recorders, record and cassette players, projectors, and microscopes.

By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of this day -broadcast television- to connect with each individual child and parents and families, it is demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child development.

The author would apparently agree on the idea that ….

Benar! Salah!

Perhatikan kalimat ke-4 paragraf 1! When used wisely, technology and media can support learning and relationships: Jika digunakan secara bijak, teknologi dapat mendukung pembelajaran dan hubungan. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan penulis akan setuju dengan Technology may bring more good than harm when it is used wisely (teknologi membawa lebih banyak manfaat daripada keburukan jika digunakan secara bijak).

Hawaii was originally settled by the natives of the South Pacific, who arrived in the islands in canoes laden with breadfruit, yams, taro, coconut, bananas, pigs, and chickens. Supplementing these foods were over a hundred different edible fishes and forty kinds of seaweed from the surrounding waters. Hawaiian food was eaten raw or wrapped in taro leaves, seasoned with coconut, and cooked.

In the early 1800s, the whalers and missionaries introduced stews, chowders, curries, corned beef, dried beef, salt salmon, and Indian and cornstarch puddings. Most likely, pipkaula (jerked beef), lomi lomi salmon, and haupia (coconut pudding) evolved during this period.

In the late nineteenth century immigrants from China, Japan, and Korea were brought to Hawaii to work the sugar plantations. The Chinese brought rice, soybeans, and vegetables and their ways of cooking them. The Japanese brought sukiyaki and teriyaki, among many other food. Settlers from the continental United States also brought their favorite recipes and in the spirit of aloha, the Hawaiians have accepted each group's offerings and drawn the best from them. Thus a Hawaiian feast is a gastronomic experience, the essence of Hawaii and its many cultures.

What is the main topic of passage?

Benar! Salah!

Tips! • Cermati paragraf pertama. Ide pokok sering ditemukan di awal teks, tapi tidak selalu. Paragraf 1 adalah tentang orang-orang yang mendiami Hawai pertama kali dan jenis makanan yang mereka makan. Ini nampaknya kurang sesuai menjadi ide pokok teks. • Cek ide pokok paragraf di tengah (biasanya di kalimat 1). Kalimat pertama paragraf 2: Awal tahun 1800an para pemburu paus dan misionaris memperkenalkan jenis makanan baru. Cek juga kalimat pertama paragraf 3: Akhir abad ke-19 imigran dari Cina, Jepang, dan Korea datang dan memperkenalkan makanan baru. • Jadi, dapat disimpulkan teks ini secara keseluruhan membicarakan ragam makanan Hawai yang merupakan kombinasi dari beragam budaya

Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different form and environment. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of "What is education?" However, we start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizen? Is it to develop individual, as well as society, in order to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelegence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.

As global citizen, it is our responsibility to critically think about the issue and attempt to come up with solution to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to fight quality education for all children, youth and adult by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seems far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nation to compete with developed nations. One example is providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as valuable education tool. Individual who are not afforded this access area at disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunity to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.

The following sentences reflect the author's opinions in the passage, except ….

Benar! Salah!

Pernyataan yang tidak mencerminkan opsi penulis, yaitu: 1) A, B, dan D benar karena sesuai dengan paragraf 1. 2) E benar karena sesuai dengan paragraf 2. 3) C tidak sesuai dengan paragraf 2 karena EFA adalah gerakan yang ditargetkan untuk memperjuangkan pendidikan, bukan menyediakan.

From small committees to national elections, group decision-making can be complicated. Unfortunately, it way not always settle on the best choice. That's partly because some members of the group do research on their own, and others take their cues from the people around them.

That distinction is readily observed around election time. "Many voters couldn't tell you the policy platforms for the candidates they're voting for", says applied mathematician Vicky Chuqiao Yang at the Santa Fe Institute. "Many individuals are uninformed, and they're most likely to rely on information they get from others."

Social scientists have long sought ways to study the phenomenon of group decision-making, but that's a tricky undertaking. Researchers in a range of disciplines have tried to tackle the problem, with parallel efforts often leading to conflicting conclusions. Most existing models examine the effect of a single variable, which means they don't capture the whole picture.

"The outcome of collective decision-making is the result of complex interactions of many variables, "says Yang, " And those interactions are rarely taken into account" in previous work. To overcome that challenge, Yang recently developed a mathematical framework that captures the influence of multiple interactions among members of a group. "You can plug in multiple effects and see their behaviour and how they manifest in the group at the same times," she explains.

Those effects include the influence of social learners. The model predicted, for example, that decision-making groups have a critical threshold of people who get their information from others. Below that threshold, the group chooses the high-quality outcome. Above it, the group can end up choosing the better or worse option.

The mathematical model is both simple and general. It can accurately reflect the multitude of moving parts within a system. The model also predicted a significant role for "committed minorities," or people who refuse to change their minds, no matter the evidence. These committed minorities can be bolstered, Yang says, by social learners, though every group is different. Yang says she hopes the model will help bring together parallel work from different disciplines. … "but we don't yet have a holistic understanding that gives a recipe for good collective decision-making," she said. "Our work brings us one step closer to it."
(Adapted from

Based on the passage, ….

Benar! Salah!

Berdasarkan teks, pilihan jawaban A, B, C, dan D tidak sesuai dengan bacaan. Perhatikan kalimat ke-3 paragraf 5: Di bawah ambang tersebut, kelompok memilih hasil berkualitas tinggi. Di atasnya, kelompok tersebut pada akhirnya dapat memilih opsi yang lebih baik atau lebih buruk. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin dekat jumlah anggota grup dengan ambang, semakin baik keputusan yang dibuat.

The use of modern chemical drugs and herbal medicines including herbs, simultaneously to treat certain diseases must be exercised carefully. Random combined use can lead to health worsening. Clinical trials showed the use of simvastatin as anti-cholesterol drugs or a mixture of guava leaves, Javanese turmeric (temulawak) roots and Dutch teak leaves as traditional medicine gave good results if they are used separately. But, if combined, the results are harmful. Similar harms happen in the combined use of metformin and black tea to treat diabetes. If both are used individually, they can reduce blood sugar levels in large quantities. However, if combined, the decrease in blood sugar content is very small.

As for herbal medicines, besides being absorbed more slowly by the body, sometimes they are binding substances from chemical drugs. As a result, the effect of chemical drugs is not optimal. Ginseng should not be combined with heart drugs because it will worsen the heart condition. In addition, garlic is also an anticoagulant herbal medicine, should not be combined with chemical drugs such as acetasol or clopidropil because it will cause bleeding.

Indonesians know and realize the benefit of medical plants for a long time. However, the traditional Indonesian medicine industry has not developed. Currently, there are 6 phytopharmacologically based medicines and 31 standardized herbal medicines. The herbs in Indonesia are thousands in number. Jamu is the lowest level in the grouping of Indonesian traditional medicines, followed by standardized herbal medicines and phytopharmacologically based medicines as the highest level. To improve the status of herbal medicines to standardized herbal medicines, there must be a non-clinical test. To be phytopharmacologically based medicines, clinical trials and non-clinical trials must be carried out on these medicines. Because of this, many herbal producers are reluctant to improve the status of their products because even without such complicated procedures, the herbal has already sold well. Manufacturers will only increase the status of their products to standardized herbal medicines or phytopharmacologically based medicines to ensure the safety of their products to consumers and export interests.
(Adapted from

Based on the passage, health risks of combining chemical drugs and herbs are observed in the incidents as follow, except ….

Benar! Salah!

Health risks of combining chemical drugs and herbs are observed in the incidents as follows, except artinya risiko kesehatan mencampurkan obat kimia dengan herbal dapat diamati pada kejadian berikut, kecuali …. Temukan keyword dari setiap opsi jawaban, lalu cocokan dengan bacaan. Perhatikan paragraf 1 dan 2! Berdasarkan kedua paragraf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Increase in blood sugar in the use of garlic and chemical drugs in the category of acetasol adalah salah.

Although gluten has gained a bad reputation, the majority of people would struggle to explain what it actually is. The truth is that gluten is just a mixture of proteins found in the seeds of certain cereal plants, such as wheat, rye and barley. Gluten is stored in a tissue inside the seed called endosperm, which surrounds the plant embryo and provides a dense source of energy as the plants starts to grow. In wheat, gluten is formed when the proteins glutenin and gliadin cross-link into a net-like structure that provides elasticity and viscosity.

One food reaches the stomach it must be broken down by enzymes in the process of digestion. Large proteins are broken up into chains of amino acids called peptides. Normally these peptides are easily broken down further, but the gliadin peptides in gluten are difficult to break down as they are part of a group of peptides called prolamins. Prolamins are made up of lots of glutamine and proline amino acids, which digestive enzymes have difficulty breaking up. This means that unlike most proteins gluten digestion can leave strands of amino acids intact in the small intestine. These strands can be up to 10 amino acids long and are known as oligopeptides. For most people gliadin oligopeptides are harmless. However, a small proportion of the population will produce an immune response known as coeliac disease, a condition caused by the body's immune system mistakenly attacking itself. Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to gluten.

The tone of the author is best described as ….

Benar! Salah!

Penulis menyampaikan informasi tentang apa itu gluten, dan kemudian bagaimana gluten dicerna dan dampaknya terhadap beberapa orang. Dengan demikian, tone yang dipakai adalah informative.

According to UNODC's World Drug Report 2021, cannabis potency has quadrupled in some parts of the world over the two decades. Meanwhile, the percentage of adolescents who perceived the drug as harmful fell by as much as 40 percent. This perception gap prevails despite evidence that cannabis use is associated with a variety of health and other harms. This is especially among regular long-term users. Moreover, most countries have reported a rise in the use of cannabis during the pandemic.

"Lower perception of drug use risks has been linked to higher rates of drug use. The findings of UNODC's 2021 World Drug Report highlight the need to close the gap between perception and reality to educated young people and safeguard public health," said UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly.

The COVID-19 crisis has pushed more than 100 million people into extreme poverty. It has greatly exacerbated unemployment and inequalities as the world lost 255 million jobs in 2020. Mental health conditions are also on the rise worldwide. These factors have the potential to encourage a rise in drug use disorders. Moreover, changes have already been observed in drug use patterns during pandemic. This includes increases in the use of cannabis and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives. Underlying socioeconomic stressors have also likely accelerated demand for these drugs.

In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from initial setbacks. These initial setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels once again. The rise in the use of technology and cryptocurrency payments which are used to operate outside the regular system drives it.

Access to drugs has also become simpler than ever with online sales. Major drug markets on the dark web are now worth some $315 million annually. Contactless drug transactions such as through the mail are also on the rise. A trend is possibly accelerated by the pandemic. Drug traffickers are now agile and adaptable in using new online platforms to sell drugs and other substances. The combination of this situation and rapid technological innovation may increase the availability of illicit drugs.

The author's attitude regarding cannabis is ….

Benar! Salah!

Sikap penulis terhadap penggunaan ganja adalah netral. Dalam teks penulis bersikap objektif memaparkan data-data yang ada (tentang kesenjangan persepsi, peningkatan penggunaan, dan sebagainya) Supporting : mendukung -- menyetujui penggunaan Loving : penuh cinta Thankful : berterima kasih Patronising : melindungi / merendahkan

According to UNODC's World Drug Report 2021, cannabis potency has quadrupled in some parts of the world over the two decades. Meanwhile, the percentage of adolescents who perceived the drug as harmful fell by as much as 40 percent. This perception gap prevails despite evidence that cannabis use is associated with a variety of health and other harms. This is especially among regular long-term users. Moreover, most countries have reported a rise in the use of cannabis during the pandemic.

"Lower perception of drug use risks has been linked to higher rates of drug use. The findings of UNODC's 2021 World Drug Report highlight the need to close the gap between perception and reality to educated young people and safeguard public health," said UNODC Executive Director, Ghada Waly.

The COVID-19 crisis has pushed more than 100 million people into extreme poverty. It has greatly exacerbated unemployment and inequalities as the world lost 255 million jobs in 2020. Mental health conditions are also on the rise worldwide. These factors have the potential to encourage a rise in drug use disorders. Moreover, changes have already been observed in drug use patterns during pandemic. This includes increases in the use of cannabis and the non-medical use of pharmaceutical sedatives. Underlying socioeconomic stressors have also likely accelerated demand for these drugs.

In parallel, the report reveals that drug traffickers have quickly recovered from initial setbacks. These initial setbacks have been caused by lockdown restrictions. The drug traffickers are operating at pre-pandemic levels once again. The rise in the use of technology and cryptocurrency payments which are used to operate outside the regular system drives it.

Access to drugs has also become simpler than ever with online sales. Major drug markets on the dark web are now worth some $315 million annually. Contactless drug transactions such as through the mail are also on the rise. A trend is possibly accelerated by the pandemic. Drug traffickers are now agile and adaptable in using new online platforms to sell drugs and other substances. The combination of this situation and rapid technological innovation may increase the availability of illicit drugs.

What is the best title of the passage?

Benar! Salah!

Tips! 1) Untuk penentuan judul, triknya sama dengan penentuan main idea. Judul dapat disimpulkan dari main idea. 2) Cermati paragraf 1, kemudian cek kalimat pertama dari masing-masing paragraf selanjutnya. • Part 1: Peningkatan potensi penggunaan ganja dan penurunan persepsi para remaja akan bahaya ganja. • Part 2: Hubungan rendahnya persepsi bahaya ganja dan peningkatan penggunaan • Part 3: Akibat Covid pada pasar ganja dunia • Part 4: Kembalinya operasi para pengedar ganja dengan teknologi • Part 5: Pemanfaatan teknologi dalam pemasaran ganja 3) Judul harus merangkum keseluruhan ide, tidak boleh terlalu umum tapi juga tidak boleh terlalu sempit.

Listen the text!
Psychologists have found that privately made resolutions are rarely followed, whereas a public commitment to achieve some goal, such as losing weight or giving up smoking, is likely to be much more effective. This is because the approval of others for reaching one's target is valued. In contrast, disapproval for failure can lead to feelings of shame.

Advertising agencies have designed studies bearing out the truth of this observation. In their research, a group of strangers was bombarded with information about the qualities of a particular product. They were then asked to either announce out loud or write down privately whether they intended to buy the product. It was later discovered that those who publicly declared their intention to buy were considerably more likely to do so than those who affirmed their intentions in private.

In another study, an experimenter claiming to represent a local utility company interviewed home owners, telling them he was investigating ways in which energy consumption could be reduced. Half of the subjects, randomly selected, were told that if they agreed to conserve energy, their names would be mentioned in an article published in the local newspaper; the remaining halves were told their names would not be used. All those interviewed agreed to cooperate and signed a form either giving consent for their names to be used or stating that their names would not be used. Later in the year, the amount of gas consumed in each housed was recorded. The owners who had agreed to their names being published had used significantly less gas than those who remained anonymous.

The author's intention in this passage is ….

Benar! Salah!

Tips! Tujuan penulis dalam teks ini adalah …. Kata 'intention' = purpose = tujuan 1) Untuk menentukan tujuan penulis, kita harus tahu main idea dari teksnya dulu. (Lihat bahasan tentang mencari main idea). 2) Main idea dari teks ini: hasil studi tentang komitmen yang diketahui publik versus yang anonim. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan tujuan teksnya untuk memaparkan hasil studi tentang komitmen diketahui publik "versus" yang tidak diketahu publik.

Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different form and environment. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of "What is education?" However, we start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizen? Is it to develop individual, as well as society, in order to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelegence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.

As global citizen, it is our responsibility to critically think about the issue and attempt to come up with solution to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to fight quality education for all children, youth and adult by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seems far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nation to compete with developed nations. One example is providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as valuable education tool. Individual who are not afforded this access area at disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunity to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.

The author's main concern in the first paragraph of the passage is that ….

Benar! Salah!

Cari main idea paragraf 1 dulu. Paragraf 1 membicarakan tentang pandangan orang yang berbeda-beda tentang pendidikan dan tujuannya. Namun, di akhir paragraf 1 penulis menekankan bahwa terlepas dari pandangan yang berbeda, pendidikan adalah hak dasar setiap individu. Lihat kalimat "While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is basic human right".

It was once believed that being overweight was healthy, but nowadays few people subscribe to this viewpoint. While many people are fighting the battle to lose weight, studies are being conducted concerning appetite and how it is controlled by both emotional and biochemical factors. Some of the conclusions of these studies may give insights into how to deal with weight problems. For example, when several hundred people were asked about their eating habits in times of stress, 44 percent said they reacted to stressful situations by eating. Further investigations with both humans and animals indicated that it is not food that relieves tension but rather the act of chewing.

A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of taste and crave more flavoured food than people who are not extremely overweight. When deprived of variety and intensity of taste, obese people are rarely satisfied and consequently eat more to fulfil this need. Also, blood samples taken from people after they were shown a picture of food revealed that overweight people reacted with an increase in blood insulin, a chemical associated with appetite. This did not happen to average-weight people.

In another experiment, result showed that certain people have a specific, biologically induced hunger for carbohydrates. When people eat carbohydrates, the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, rises. Enough serotonin produces a sense of satiation, and, as a result, their hunger for carbohydrates subsides.

Exercise has been recommended as an important part of a weight-loss program. However, it has been found that mild exercise, such as using the stairs instead of the elevator, is better in the long run than taking on a strenuous program, such as jogging, which many people find difficult to continue over long periods and which also increases appetite.

The author's tone in presenting his ideas can be said as ….

Benar! Salah!

Penentuan tone suatu bacaan: • Perhatikan pilihan kata dan gaya bahasa penulis. • Cermati apakah ada kecondongan, apakah netral, faktual, atau negatif. Teks di atas menggunakan gaya bahasa yang formal, berisi informasi yang faktual dan tidak mengandung bias, serta tidak mengkritisi sesuatu. Jadi, tone-nya adalah objective.

A new study shows that, from 1500 until 2000, about a third of floods in southwestern Netherlands were deliberately caused by humans during wartimes. Some of these inundations resulted in significant changes to the landscape, being as damaging as floods caused by heavy rainfall or storm surges.

During the Eighty Years' War, as the Spanish army fought to recapture territory in what is now northern Belgium and southwestern Netherlands in the late sixteenth century, the Dutch rebels led by William of Orange decided to use the low-lying, flood-prone landscape to their advantage. In an attempt to liberate Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp from Spanish dominance and defend their territory, the rebels destroyed seawalls at strategic places from 1584 to 1586 to cause deliberate, large-scale floods. The plan got completely out of hand. It came at the expense of the countryside of northern Flanders, now Zeeland Flanders, some two thirds of which was flooded.

Strategic flooding is a highly risky tactic. It can only be successful if there is a well-thought-out backup plan and a plan for fast repairs. Floods can result in loss of life and damage homes and businesses, and when the water remains inland for a long time, it can change the landscape through erosion and deposition, forming new tidal channels and creeks.

The area flooded during the Eighty Years' War became part of a strategic line of defense and remained inundated for more than 100 years in some places, with profound consequences for the landscape. After the waters receded, a thick layer of clay covered all remnants of buildings and roads in the area. As sea water was used, soil salinity increased, affecting agricultural yields.
(Adapted from

Without a well-thought-out back up plan and a plan for fast repairs, strategic flooding may lead to ….

Benar! Salah!

Tanpa rencana cadangan yang dipikirkan dengan matang dan rencana untuk perbaikan cepat, strategi flooding dapat mengakibatkan …. Keywords: a well-thought-out backup plan and a plan for fast repairs -- paragraf 3 kalimat kedua: Banjir dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya nyawa dan kerusakan rumah dan bisnis, dan ketika air tetap berada di pedalaman untuk waktu yang lama, dapat mengubah lanskap melalui erosi dan pengendapan, membentuk saluran pasang surut dan anak sungai baru.

A new study shows that, from 1500 until 2000, about a third of floods in southwestern Netherlands were deliberately caused by humans during wartimes. Some of these inundations resulted in significant changes to the landscape, being as damaging as floods caused by heavy rainfall or storm surges.

During the Eighty Years' War, as the Spanish army fought to recapture territory in what is now northern Belgium and southwestern Netherlands in the late sixteenth century, the Dutch rebels led by William of Orange decided to use the low-lying, flood-prone landscape to their advantage. In an attempt to liberate Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp from Spanish dominance and defend their territory, the rebels destroyed seawalls at strategic places from 1584 to 1586 to cause deliberate, large-scale floods. The plan got completely out of hand. It came at the expense of the countryside of northern Flanders, now Zeeland Flanders, some two thirds of which was flooded.

Strategic flooding is a highly risky tactic. It can only be successful if there is a well-thought-out backup plan and a plan for fast repairs. Floods can result in loss of life and damage homes and businesses, and when the water remains inland for a long time, it can change the landscape through erosion and deposition, forming new tidal channels and creeks.

The area flooded during the Eighty Years' War became part of a strategic line of defense and remained inundated for more than 100 years in some places, with profound consequences for the landscape. After the waters receded, a thick layer of clay covered all remnants of buildings and roads in the area. As sea water was used, soil salinity increased, affecting agricultural yields.
(Adapted from

Without a well-thought-out back up plan and a plan for fast repairs, strategic flooding may lead to ….

Benar! Salah!

• Temukan bagian teks yang memuat kata kunci: well-thought back up plan, fast repair. • Simpulkan. Tanpa rencana cadangan yang matang, 'strategic flooding' dapat mengakibatkan perubahan bentang alam melalui erosi dan pengendapan (paragraf 3)

Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came videos and computers. Today's children are growing up in a rapidly changing digital age that is far different from their parents. A variety of technologies are all around our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely, technology and media can support learning and relationships. Enjoyable and engaging shared experiences that optimize the potential for children's learning and development can support children's relationships both with adults and their peers.

Based on some evidence by research, there has never been more important time to apply principles of development and learning when considering the use of cutting-edge technologies of new media as the so-called interactive media. Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials, including software programs, applications (apps), some children's television programming, e-books, the internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other children and adults. When the integration of technology and interactive media in early childhood programs is built upon solid developmental foundation, and early childhood professionals are aware of both the challenges and the opportunities, educators are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child.

This statement provides guidance for early childhood educators about the use of technology educators about the use of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young children's development. In this statement, the definition of technology tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices such as computers, tablets, multitouch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras, audio recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book readers, and analog devices still being used such as tape recorders, record and cassette players, projectors, and microscopes.

By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of this day -broadcast television- to connect with each individual child and parents and families, it is demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child development.

The author holds the assumption that ….

Benar! Salah!

Perhatikan kalimat: Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials, including software programs, applications (apps), some children's television programming, e-books, the internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other children and adults. Artinya: Media interaktif merujuk pada bahan-bahan digital dan analog, termasuk program perangkat lunak, aplikasi, program TV untuk anak-anak, e-book, internet dan bentuk lain dari bahan yang didesain untuk memfasilitasi penggunaan secara aktif dan kreatif oleh anak-anak dan untuk mendorong hubungan sosial dengan anak-anak lain dan orang dewasa. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Technology and media can be used to facilitate learning and establish better relationships with other children and adults.

A new study shows that, from 1500 until 2000, about a third of floods in southwestern Netherlands were deliberately caused by humans during wartimes. Some of these inundations resulted in significant changes to the landscape, being as damaging as floods caused by heavy rainfall or storm surges.

During the Eighty Years' War, as the Spanish army fought to recapture territory in what is now northern Belgium and southwestern Netherlands in the late sixteenth century, the Dutch rebels led by William of Orange decided to use the low-lying, flood-prone landscape to their advantage. In an attempt to liberate Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp from Spanish dominance and defend their territory, the rebels destroyed seawalls at strategic places from 1584 to 1586 to cause deliberate, large-scale floods. The plan got completely out of hand. It came at the expense of the countryside of northern Flanders, now Zeeland Flanders, some two thirds of which was flooded.

Strategic flooding is a highly risky tactic. It can only be successful if there is a well-thought-out backup plan and a plan for fast repairs. Floods can result in loss of life and damage homes and businesses, and when the water remains inland for a long time, it can change the landscape through erosion and deposition, forming new tidal channels and creeks.

The area flooded during the Eighty Years' War became part of a strategic line of defense and remained inundated for more than 100 years in some places, with profound consequences for the landscape. After the waters receded, a thick layer of clay covered all remnants of buildings and roads in the area. As sea water was used, soil salinity increased, affecting agricultural yields.
(Adapted from

Which of the following statements reflects a fact mentioned in the passage?

Benar! Salah!

Cek opsi jawaban satu per satu. Perhatikan kata kunci dari setiap opsi sehingga lebih cepat menemukan referensi faktanya di dalam teks. A : salah, tidak sesuai dengan paragraf 2. Bukan tiga kota yang terpengaruh, tapi tiga kota yang akan dibebaskan. B : salah, tidak sesuai dengan paragraf 2. Bukan Spanyol yang memakai strategi "flooding", tapi Belanda. C : salah, tidak sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir teks. Salinitas tanah justru naik. D : benar, sesuai dengan paragraf 3 kalimat 1 dan 2. E : salah, strategi flooding sulit dikelola. (paragraf 3, kalimat 1)

Soal UTBK 2022
What is your small business search engine optimization (SEO) strategy? If you are like the many small business owners, you may be wondering how you can leverage the power of social media and online marketing to get ahead. In fact, only about 27 percent of small businesses have a current SEO plan. When you combine that, surprisingly low figure with fact that only about 40 percent of marketers are using mobile marketing tactics. It is easy to see how sound search engine optimization practices could help you get a leg up on the competition.

Small business owners are an incredibly diverse group of people who know a lot about their chosen fields. Slightly, less than half of all small businesses have more than one owners. Sixty percent of small business owners have worked in their industry for more than 20 years. That is a lot of total combined experience. These owners are always looking for new ways to connect to their customers and clients and grow their businesses.

About 63 percent of small businesses find that social media is a good way to increase customer loyalty, and 27 percent plan to increase their investment in social media. When it comes to the impact of social media, 40 percent of small businesses find it helpful useful for correcting problems brought up by customers. 18 percent find that it gives them a chance to defend against negative publicity. Finally, only 5 percent feel that social media has hurt their image more than helped. If used correctly, it is clear that social media generally has an overall positive effect on small businesses.

If your small business is one of the 52 percent that plan to increase their SEO budget, it is important to make the most of your investment by implementing a sound small business SEO plan. You can do that with the assistance of an SEO company with lots of experience in managing successful small business SEO.
(Adapted from

According to the passage, what is the author's attitude toward small businesses that have planned to increase their SEO budget?

Benar! Salah!

Berdasarkan bacaan, dapat diketahui bahwa penulis mendukung digunakannya SEO. Hal ini terlihat dari pilihan kata yang digunakan pada kalimat 1 paragraf 1 dan diperkuat dengan saran yang disampaikan penulis di akhir bacaan.

Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Maaf, sepertinya Anda belum menguasai sebagian besar materi yang terdapat di dalam kuis ini. Silakan ulangi kembali mengerjakan kuis ini dengan cara merefresh halaman ini. Untuk belajar secara lengkap dan terstruktur, silakan kunjungi link berikut ini:

Selamat! Anda telah menguasai sebagian besar materi di dalam kuis ini. Mau mengerjakan soal UTBK SNBT lainnya yang lebih lengkap dan menantang? Kunjungi link berikut ini:

Bagikan hasil perolehan Anda:

Daftarkan diri Anda untuk mendapatkan latihan soal berkualitas lainnya

Perlu diingat! Untuk bisa diterima masuk perguruan tinggi negeri favorit yang Anda idamkan, Anda perlu mempersiapkan diri dengan baik. Bukan hanya sekedar ikut tes UTBK SNBT dan berharap keberuntungan. Ada sebuah quotes yang bisa Anda terapkan. Dari seorang tokoh bernama Anthony Robbins “Bertemunya persiapan dan kesempatan membuahkan hasil yang kita sebut keberuntungan”.

Bahkan seorang tokoh dunia juga percaya bahwa persiapan memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menggapai cita-cita atau kesuksesan.

Bagaimana Cara untuk Mewujudkan Kesuksesan Anda di Masa Mendatang

  1. Mulai Persiapan Sekarang Juga! Segera mulai pelajari materi soal literasi bahasa Inggris. Untuk soal yang lebih lengkap dan terstruktur, kami telah menyediakan dalam bentuk kursus online yang tersedia di website ini.
  2. Dapatkan sumber belajar yang tepat untuk Anda. Dengan mendapatkan sumber belajar yang tepat, akan membuat kegiatan belajar Anda menjadi nyaman. Sehingga mempercepat dalam menyerap materi. Salah satu sumber belajar yang bisa kami rekomendasikan adalah ini:
  3. Bergabunglah dengan kelompok belajar atau kelas bimbingan belajar jika memang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan bantuan tambahan. Selain itu, juga dapat menambah teman untuk bisa sharing ilmu pelajaran. Kami menyediakan ecourse atau kursus online untuk kebutuhan belajar Anda di sini:
  4. Selalu percaya diri dan jangan menyerah meskipun menghadapi kesulitan. Setiap tantangan yang Anda lalui adalah kesempatan untuk berkembang menggapai cita-cita.

Bila Anda telah memahami konsep dasar, menerapkan strategi yang paling efektif, dan juga berlatih mengerjakan soal secara konsisten, maka Anda akan lebih siap dalam menghadapi soal literasi bahasa Inggris yang menjadi salah satu materi subtes di UTBK SNBT.


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